WATER: Liquid of Life


Erasmus + : KA1 - Youth Exchange - Programme Countries

Place: Cyprus, Paralimni

Activity Dates: 07/11/2015 - 15/11/2015

Countries: Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, ,

Participants per country (incl. leaders): 6

Project Description:
There are many problems in our world, and natural resources are becoming less. Water is an element that we all need to survive. The problem with our youth however is that they understand little about the ongoing problems our world is facing and the impact that our actions have on the environment. Many countries today already experience problems with water shortages and have started importing and buying water from other countries. We hope to create awareness of water and water resources among our youth so that they can take care of our planet and protect it, so that they can be the future who keeps our planet alive so that more generations can enjoy life and the minerals and resources our planet has. We will see what our youth know about water, in each of their countries, how they respect water and how important it to them. We will try to put a value on the importance of water. The participants will present water in their countries and see how we can make changes in our lives, in our policy and in our Europe to make sure we always have water for life.

There are many problems in our world, and natural resources are becoming less. Water is an element that we all need to...

Posted by Nautilos SAR on Monday, November 16, 2015


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission (Erasmus + Programme).

This publication article reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.